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Beater Roadster


After the 2013 summer season, Beater Bikes is suspending production of its bicycles and Test Pilot Program.  I will continue to operate, honour warranties and sell my remaining stock but will not be making any new bikes. The reality of the situation is that I need to be able to sell my bikes in Canada, which I can’t.  Or, I need to make the company much bigger, which I don’t have the capital for.  So all the bikes currently in stores and at the warehouse have suddenly become limited editions.

It’s not too late to buy a Beater.  In fact I would really appreciate if you do. Our dealers still have them on the showroom floor and I still have a supply. If these stores aren’t convenient, you can always purchase them online at CurbsideFlying Pigeon, or Metro Bicycles. Fleet inquiries are always welcome.

They’re good bikes. I’m proud of them.  Please buy one.

Thank you.
